Weather mini for Mac

Airwolf Space
3 min readAug 12, 2020
Weather mini for Mac

Introducing Weather mini, our latest weather app made for macOS.

If you were using the Apple Watch version, then you will likely enjoy the Mac version as you may find some similar design styles and illustrations but in a large size.

Live weather in the Dock

We think the dock on the Mac desktop is a great place to show weather information, especially on a retina display. When you launch Weather mini, the app icon in the dock will show the same beautiful weather illustrations like the main window, no matter the main window is opened or closed.

Live weather in the Dock

Forecasts in details

Weather mini supports three kinds of details: current, hourly and daily. The current section list all of the current weather condition summaries like humidity, wind description, etc. The hourly and daily sections show upcoming weather changes in different styles, for example, UV Index will show you the highest UV Index value and its appear time.

Forecasts in details

Beautiful weather illustrations

You can see beautifully crafted weather illustrations in the main window, with the current location and temperature in large fonts. The illustration and information are updating itself automatically, so you always get a general idea about the weather conditions in your location.

Lightweight design

We think a good utility app should be fast and lightweight, we always keep this in mind when creating new apps. Weather mini costs very few system resources to run, you can control the background refresh rate to fit your needs too. We don’t use any of those complex 3rd party analysis services, so the app launches fast, quits fast. (I mean use CMD + Q :D)

Dock Menu

